Weather is evil, on the first 2 days of classes we had rain and then Friday and now today we have sunny warm weather. It is so much easier to do homework when the weather is crummy. Weather aside the homework objective for today has been met and now other business can be taken care of, like blogging and the other random things that need doing.
On the knitting front the gauntlets are continuing to progress and are for now my in class knitting which may change at a latter date to another project, also a Cthulu has been started on, he will be a kind of minty green in color.
In some very good news my bike is in full working trim after I had to bend the kickstand away from the wheel where it was rubbing and creating a horrible vibration. I now have my primary form of distance transportation back which will also help with getting to class faster, or meals.
On a random note the first official meeting of the naginata club is tonight and also I am having an enjoyable time playing with some figures and rubber ducks, the top of my printer was empty and looked lonely.