February 14, 2013

Back at college

 I have returned to college and thus my time is consumed by attending classes and doing homework. Also I joined the Western Riding team at the college, which is fun even when I can't feel my toes from the cold.

In knitting news, I started a new pair of socks for me, they are Lothlorien socks in a green yarn, it is looking like they will be absolutely amazing. Beyond that I have not done as much knitting as I would like, but I did finish a Weeping Angel I was making for a friend.

My angel, my roommate's angel and Doctor, and our xmas presents to each other.
Alternatively, the angels have the phone boxes.
During the last major snowstorm I spun enough yarn for a hat, the hat will be me.

The snowstorm dropped about 2 feet of snow on the college and shut it down for 2.5 days, however we never lost power or anything, just had a large amount of snow.

That black rail thing is a bike rack in front of one of the dorms
The rest of college life is about normal, lots of work, not enough sleep.

Just because it is Valentines Day, here is  a selection of valentines I found using Google.

My roommate gave me this one